The Best Way To Reduce Electric Bills 2023

Since solar can be up to 10x cheaper than paying electric bills, you’re able to reduce or even eliminate your electric bills by investing in a solar system with Option One Solar!

The Best Way To Reduce Electric Bills 2023

Since solar can be up to 10x cheaper than paying electric bills, you’re able to reduce or even eliminate your electric bills by investing in a solar system with Option One Solar!

The Best Way To Reduce Electric Bills 2023

Since solar can be up to 10x cheaper than paying electric bills, you’re able to reduce or even eliminate your electric bills by investing in a solar system with Option One Solar!

High Electric Bills

Southern California Edison (SCE) is one of the state’s three largest investor-owned utility companies that provide electricity to Southern California.

A recent study has found that SCE charges 45% more than the national average for that electricity. From residential customers to agricultural and street lighting sectors, SoCal Edison customers have already experienced high electric bills in 2021 with more coming soon.

In a public notice, SCE states that the recent 2021 utility rate increase aims to cover anticipated costs through the year 2024. The anticipated costs include inspections, repairs, replacements, and general upkeep of their equipment and electricity grid.

How Does This Affect Your Monthly Bill?

These investor-owned utilities must file for a General Rate Case (GRC) every four years. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) reviews these applications and sets the rates that customers must pay for electricity. In 2020, the proposed SCE rate increase was approved, and the higher rates started this year.

[caption id="attachment_162" align="aligncenter" width="740"]

edison rates 2021

Southern California Edison Utility Rate Increase 2021[/caption]

In California, we are experiencing the highest rate of electricity, an average of $0.28/kWh. This is the November 2022, report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

So with all this in mind, how will this rate increase affect your monthly bill? For residential customers, monthly bills have increased by an average of $14 in 2021. In 2022, they will keep increasing by $4, and $6 in 2023.

If you’re enrolled in the California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) program your rate increases are $9.50 in 2021 and going up by $3 in 2022 and $4 in 2023.

In other words, they will continue to rise.

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Why Do Rates Keep Going Up?

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, are these increased rates justifiable? Looking through the public comments at CPUC, you will find thousands of comments from people like you who oppose the rate increase. Still, the rate increases are approved, and we must pay them.

According to SCE, these rate increases exist to help pay for anticipated costs to inspect, repair, and upgrade equipment. While electrical grid maintenance is important, there is little oversight from the state government for these investor-owned utilities.

Stop High Electric Bills With Solar Power

So what can YOU do to stop these rate increases? The easiest way is by going solar! Solar can be up to 10x cheaper than paying electric bills, and you can cut electric bills by 75 percent by going solar.

You’re able to drastically reduce or even eliminate your electric bills by investing in a well-designed solar PV system for your home in California.

Take control of solar power when you are ready to stop utilities from stealing your money. If you prefer to work with a local business and support your community, talk to Option One Solar. We will provide a free quote and expert advice so you can understand solar energy and start saving.



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